Las Mascotas Unit
Helpful Phrases for Parents
If you are practicing at home with your kids, these videos teach some common phrases to help you get going and reinforce what they are learning in class.
When you are comfortable with these phrases, you can try speak as much Spanish as possible, while learning together.
EL Vocabulario
Learn how to say some popular pets and pet-related words.
This unit uses lots of words about people in families, so you can review with this video.
Las Mascotas y sus familias
Learn about some families and their pets.
Key vocabulary:
vive con = lives with
casa = house
Las casas de las mascotas
See what homes different pets use.
Las comidas de las mascotas
Learn what different pets like to eat.
¿Cómo se Mueven Los Animales?
Learn how different pets move around.
camina = walks
corre = runs
trepa = climbs
se arrastra = crawls
se desliza = slithers
Todo Sobre Los Gatos
Learn all about one popular pet: cats!
Camila y Gus
Camila has a pet dog names Gus. See what they do together and how Camila takes care of him.
Andrés Quieres Una Mascota
In this story, Andrés has lots of ideas about what pet he would like. His mom is not so sure!
El Perro Que Quiere Una Familia
When a family is out camping, they meet a dog who has no family.
Mimi Se Cae
What happens when an animal gets hurt? When Mimi the cat falls, she has to go to the vet to get some help.
Una Visita a la Tienda de las mascotas
Take a trip to the pet store and see what pet you might like to take home.
Audios for Mini-Books
You can listen to a narration of some the mini-books by a native speaker here.
Tengo un conejo
Tengo un pez
Tengo un gato
Tengo un caballo
Tengo un perro