A Mi Burro Letra

A Mi Burro Letra & Fun Activities for Spanish Learners

Inside: A Mi Burro A Mi Burro Letra, plus activities and ideas for using the song with young Spanish learners.

A Mi Burro, A Mi Burro, is a continual favorite among Spanish children’s songs. As with many traditional classics, there are many different versions. My favorite lyrics are below, along with fun activities I use when teaching the song. It goes perfectly with units that teach clothing and body parts. 

To see more songs in Spanish for kids, see my page on Spanish songs for kids

a mi burro a mi burro activities


(These particular lyrics go with the version of A Mi Burro Toobys. You can find the song video below lyrics.)

A Mi Burro, A Mi Burro 

A mi burro, a mi burro 
le duele la cabeza; 
y el médico le ha dado 
una gorrita gruesa. 

Una gorrita gruesa, 
mi burro enfermo está
mi burro enfermo está

A mi burro, a mi burro 
le duelen las orejas; 
y el médico le ha dado 
jarabe de frambuesa

Jarabe de frambuesa
Una gorrita gruesa, 
mi burro enfermo está. 
mi burro enfermo está

A mi burro, a mi burro 
le duele la garganta; 
y el médico le manda 
una bufanda blanca. 

Una bufanda blanca
Jarabe de frambuesa
Una gorrita gruesa
mi burro enfermo está
Mi burro enfermo está

A mi burro a mi burro,
le duelen las rodillasy el médico le ha dicho 
que tome una pastilla

Que tome una pastilla
Una bufanda blanca
Jarabe de frambuesas
Una gorrita gruesa
mi burro enfermo está
Mi burro enfermo está

A mi burro, a mi burro 
le duele el corazón; 
el médico le ha dicho
que escuche esta canción.

Que escuche esta canción
Que tome una pastilla
Una bufanda blanca
Jarabe de frambuesas
Una gorrita gruesa
Mi burro enfermo está
Mi burro enfermo está.

A mi burro, a mi burro 
ya no le duele nada, 
pero el muy perezoso 
durmiendo está en la cama.

Mi burro sano está
Mi burro sano está
Mi burro duerme ya….



 You can also grab these lyrics as a free printable!

Here are some other popular versions of the song as well, with slightly different lyrics:


For teaching kids Spanish using the song A Mi Burro, here are some fun ideas and activities:

1. Teach the Background Vocabulary

This song works well with clothing vocabulary and body parts. Once we learn the parts of the body in Spanish, we also learn how to say when something hurts and which body part hurts. The song Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas, Pies also teaches a lot of the body parts named in A Mi Burro

2. Use Props to Dramatize the Lyrics. 

It’s always fun to act things out when teaching young children. I like to have props on hand for the donkey, the doctor, and the remedies the doctor gives the donkey. If you have a play doctor kits, it would be perfect for bringing to class!

3. Use Visuals to Sequence the Song. 

Make or print cards that go with the lyrics. As the students listen to the song, they can put the pictures in order. You could also snap pictures of the students are they act out the song, and use these to sequence!

I have an entire unit for PreK – Early Elementary based on the song A Mi Burro, if you would like to grab ready-to-go materials.


I hope these ideas are helpful when you’re teaching with the song A Mi Burro! Let me know in the comments below if you have more teaching ideas.

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