Animals in Spanish Free Worksheet and Game
Inside: Free animals in Spanish worksheet and game for learning animals vocabulary.
Spanish students love learning about animals!
The free worksheets and games I have for you are based on a pretty extensive list, and I wouldn’t expect students to memorize all 56 vocabulary words in one go!
However, there are plenty of cognates that students can quickly recognize (león, flamenco, elefante, etc.), and many kids already know terms like el perro and la cucaracha.
You can definitely use these cards and worksheets to work on learning Spanish vocabulary for animals.My favorite is using the animal pictures and cards to sneak in high-frequency words within an animal unit.
There are so many ways to do this! You can create lesson plans about what the animals can do, where they live, what they like, plus lots of adjectives for describing their physical appearance.
It’s also fun to create stories with animal character, especially with young learners.
Free Animals in Spanish Worksheet
Make a copy of the free Animal Word Search in Spanish and the Spanish Yo Tengo Animals Game.
¿Yo Tengo, Quién Tiene? (Groups of 18 or less)
Print, cut out, and laminate the cards. Pass out the cards to students. Any student you choose may begin. The student reads his or her card aloud, naming the object in the picture. The student who has the card asked for by the first student goes next. Simple, but effective!
22 Common Animals in Spanish
(Zoo Animals, Wild Animals, Ocean Animals)
la cebra | zebra |
el tigre | tiger |
el mono | monkey |
el hipopótamo | hippo |
el elefante | elephant |
la jirafa | giraffe |
el oso | bear |
el zorro | fox |
el conejo | rabbit |
el pájaro | bird |
la tortuga | turtle |
el ratón | mouse |
la rana | frog |
la serpiente | snake |
el cangrejo | crab |
la ballena | whale |
el pulpo | octopus |
el pingüino | penguin |
el delfin | dolphin |
el pez | fish |
el tiburón | shark |
el oso polar | polar bear |
Farm Animals in Spanish
See more complete flashcards and activities here.
el caballo | horse |
el cerdo | pig |
la vaca | cow |
la gallina | hen |
la oveja | sheep |
el burro | donkey |
el perro | dog |
el gato | cat |
More Insects, Birds and Mammals in Spanish
la hormiga | ant |
la oruga | caterpillar |
la mosca | fly |
la cucaracha | cockroach |
el escarabajo | beetle |
la abeja | bee |
la mariposa | butterfly |
la araña | spider |
el pato | duck |
el loro | parrot |
el avestruz | ostrich |
el búho | owl |
el tucán | toucan |
el águila | eagle |
el colibrí | hummingbird |
el flamenco | flamingo |
la llama | llama |
el canguro | kangaroo |
el lobo | wolf |
el jaguar | jaguar |
el camello | camel |
el cocodrilo | crocodile |
el koala | koala bear |
el venado | deer |