Español in the Jungle, Unit Three

And… Español in the Jungle Unit 3 is ready! This free 20-page unit builds on Units One and Two and includes flashcards, bingo, a word search, stories and comprehension worksheets, games, and more! Read more here about using these units at home or in the classroom. The Español in the Jungle series from SpanishMama uses games, crafts, songs, and TPR/TPRS storytelling methods to learn beginning Spanish. Unit Three introduces:

– Classroom objects and vocabulary

– New verbs: dice, toca, abre, escucha

– New adjectives: feliz, enojado/a, grande, pequeño

Here are some helpful links for supplementing Unit Three:

En Mi Mochila Roja (GREAT song for practicing classroom objects! Contains more objects than are covered in the unit, and uses “bolígrafo” instead of “pluma” for “pen.” Also helpful for practicing making nouns and adjectives agree.)

Real Spanish Classroom (Video of teacher introducing classroom objects and colors– may be helpful if you are not a fluent speaker.)

Classroom Objects and Colors Booklet

Classroom Objects Pronunciation (Youtube video)

Classroom Objects Pronunciation (Click to hear)

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