Mi Burrito Sabanero Lyrics in English and Spanish
Inside: Get the translation to the lyrics of Mi Burrito Sabanero in English.
It’s not surprising that lots of people search for the English translation for the lyrics to Mi Burrito Sabanero. It can be difficult to translate to English, as it has quite a bit of poetic language.
If you don’t speak Spanish, just know that the original lyrics are really quite beautiful and natural, even if they don’t flow as well in English!
The original title of the popular song was El Burrito de Belén, and it is a Venezuelan song from the 1970’s. Though there have been several remakes and covers (including one from Juanes), the classic version feature the voice of 8-year-old Ricardo Cuenci. According to The New Tropic, Cuenci never received compensation for his now-global hit.
What Does Mi Burrito Sabanero Mean?
The main phrase of the song is Mi burrito sabanero. Burrito, means “little donkey.” Sabanero means “of the savannah” or grasslands.

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There is also a reference to an instrument, the cuatrico, or cuatro. According to the the National Museum of American History,
“The modern cuatro is a five double-string guitar-like instrument used to play música jíbara, Puerto Rican country music. In this unusual example, the dried, woody fruit of the higüero tree, a material more commonly used in the fabrication of maracas or güiros, comprises the main body of the instrument.”
Mi Burrito Sabanero Lyrics in English
The lyrics in this song are repetitive, so this is a condensed version with a translation. See the full lyrics below!
Con mi burrito sabanero, voy camino de Belén
With my donkey of the savannah, I’m on my way to Bethlehem
Con mi burrito sabanero, voy camino de Belén
With my donkey of the savannah, I’m on my way to Bethlehem
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
If anyone sees me, if you see me, I’m on my way to Bethlehem
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
If anyone sees me, if you see me, I’m on my way to Bethlehem
El lucerito mañanero ilumina mi sendero
The morning light illuminates my path
El lucerito mañanero ilumina mi sendero
The morning light illuminates my path
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
If anyone sees me, if you see me, I’m on my way to Bethlehem
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
If anyone sees me, if you see me, I’m on my way to Bethlehem
Tuki tuki tuki tuki, tuki tuki tuki ta
Apurate mi burrito que ya vamos a llegar
Hurry up, my little donkey, we’re almost there
Tuki tuki tuki tuki, tuki tuki tuki ta
Apurate mi burrito, vamos a ver a Jesús
Hurry up, my little donkey, we’re going to see Jesus
Con mi cuatrico voy cantando, mi burrito va trotando
With my cuatro I go along singing, my donkey goes a-trotting
Con mi cuatrico voy cantando, mi burrito va trotando
With my cuatro I go along singing, my donkey goes a-trotting
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
If anyone sees me, if you see me, I’m on my way to Bethlehem
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
If anyone sees me, if you see me, I’m on my way to Bethlehem
Song Videos from Mi Burrito Sabanero with English Lyrics
You’ll notice the translations differ a little from mine, and from each other. See which one you like the best!
This version from Canticos is actually sung in English, with English lyrics for reading along. Their translation is more kid-friendly and modified to flow with the music:
If you want to enjoy the original Spanish version (and the top video), try this one:
Full Lyrics to Mi Burrito Sabanero
Con mi burrito sabanero voy camino de Belén
Con mi burrito sabanero voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
El lucerito mañanero ilumina mi sendero
El lucerito mañanero ilumina mi sendero
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
Tuki tuki tuki tuki, tuki tuki tuki ta
Apurate mi burrito que ya vamos a llegar
Tuki tuki tuki tuki, tuki tuki tuki ta
Apurate mi burrito, vamos a ver a Jesús
Con mi cuatrico voy cantando, mi burrito va trotando
Con mi cuatrico voy cantando, mi burrito va trotando
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
Con mi burrito sabanero voy camino de Belén
Con mi burrito sabanero voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
Tuki tuki tuki tuki, tuki tuki tuki ta
Apurate mi burrito que ya vamos a llegar
Tuki tuki tuki tuki, tuki tuki tuki ta
Apurate mi burrito, vamos a ver a Jesús
Con mi burrito sabanero voy camino de Belén
Con mi burrito sabanero voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
El lucerito mañanero ilumina mi sendero
El lucerito mañanero ilumina mi sendero
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén
Si me ven, si me ven, voy camino de Belén

Thank you for the lyrics and your fine interpretation of “Mi Burrito Sabanero.”