La granja: Favorite Songs in Spanish
Inside: Farm animal songs in Spanish, on YouTube.
Welcome back to my Saturday songs series! This week I’m sharing our favorites about farms and farm animals. Hope you enjoy these as much as we have and be sure to check out my other favorite songs posts about Los colores and Los números.
(Since writing this post, I’ve created an entire series of lessons centered on the song Los pollitos dicen, with Spanish stories about farm animals, for preschool kids.)
Los pollitos –A traditional song for children about a mother hen and her chicks. It is a wonderful little song and we sing it all the time!
El viejo McDonald – Old MacDonald from Toobys.
La granja
La vaca lechera – Another traditional song about a milking cow. Beautiful song that rhymes!
Adivina, adivina – Guessing songs about animals and their sounds
Toobys Animals and sounds
Jueguemos en el campo – Animals and sounds.
Ronda de los animales
I am trying to find a Puerto Rican folk song called “La Cama” Have you a link?