Pancho Villa Quotes

Famous Pancho Villa Quotes in Spanish and English

Inside: A collection of famous Pancho Villa quotes that give us an inside look into the famous Mexican revolutionary.

Pancho (Fransisco) Villa is one of the most famous figures in Mexican History.

A military leader in the 1910 Mexican Revolution, Villa was a key player in ending the 29-year dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz, and led the military group el División del Norte.

Pancho Villa rose from humble beginnings, born into a family of sharecroppers in 1878, He received no formal education.

Pancho Villa was a complicated figure and his legacy is shrouded in legend– perhaps augmented by his assassination in 1923, converting him into a sort of martyr.

Though Villa acquired great power through his military exploits, he never sought to replace the presidents he helped to oust and retired to a quiet life in his later years.

“There is ample evidence of heinous crimes committed by Villa… The revolution forced everybody to act violently and Villa was great at speaking violence, especially when he was vulnerable. I interpret this to be a survival instinct.

I believe that a person’s true nature shows best when s/he is in power. Thus, Villa was among the most benevolent and merciful revolutionary leaders when he was in full control of a situation. After occupying a city, Villa generally controlled his armies to avoid looting, vendettas or even for getting drunk. For this, he managed to gain the approval of lower and middle classes wherever he ruled.

‘- Alejandro Quintana, quoted in 9 Surprising Facts About Mexican Revolutionary Pancho Villa

The following Pancho Villa quotes give us some insight into how he viewed himself, the importance of education, politics, and social justice.

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Famous Pancho Villa Quotes in English

Related: All About Emiliano Zapata y Pancho Villa

1. “I, Pancho Villa, was a loyal man that destiny brought into the world to fight for the good of the poor and that I will never betray nor forget my duty.”

– Pancho Villa

2. “My sword has belonged to, belongs to, and will belong to the people.”

– Pancho Villa

3. “Here in this place, I swear I will fight to the end for these ideals.”

– Pancho Villa

4. “It would be magnificent, I think, to help make Mexico a happy place. “

.– Pancho Villa

5. “I’m neither Catholic, nor Protestant, nor atheist. I’m a freethinker.”

– Pancho Villa

6. “In this age there are many ambitious politicians, and none of them do my race good.”

– Pancho VIlla

7. “I have made the students and teachers happy in Canutillo: the children, by providing them with everything they need for their education; the teachers, by respecting them as I respect them and paying them on time. I prefer to first pay a teacher, and then a general.”

– Pancho Villa

8. “It’s time for prejudice to end.”

– Pancho Villa

9. “I have the duty to inform you that Pancho Villa is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.”

– Pancho Villa

10. “Humble people like me fight for justice and for better luck.”

– Pancho Villa

11. “I am not an educated man. I never had an opportunity to learn anything except how to fight.”

– Pancho Villa

12. “The country must be governed by someone who really loves his people and his land, who shares wealth and progress. I have all that, only that I am ignorant.”

– Pancho Villa

13. “What else can the rich do but relieve the poor of their misery?” 

– Pancho Villa

14. “Soldier of the people and leader of my soldiers, sincere and disinterested servant of my country and my people, loyal to the death to my chiefs and my comrades. The highest feeling of patriotism guides all my acts, as a sincere patriot and ideal comrade. These are the only titles I claim, because they belong to me, because I have known how to conquer them, at the price of my blood and my constant efforts”.

– Pancho Villa

15. “It is just that we all aspire to be more, but also that we all make use of our actions.”

– Pancho Villa

16. “Men will not forget that Pancho Villa was loyal to the cause of the people.”

– Pancho Villa

17. “I understand that the war is made by us, the ignorant men.”

– Pancho VIlla

18. “When I was governor of Chihuahua, nearly 50 schools were built in the first month of my administration. I did not go to one, but I knew the importance of education to get ahead.” 

– Pancho Villa

19. “A priest is a businessman like any other.”

Pancho Villa

20. “The education of the children of my people is something that must not go unnoticed by the rulers and the citizens. The educational problem has never been given its necessary attention…””

– Pancho Villa

21. “I have walked among millions of ounces of gold, and I swear to you, I have never stolen anything… If I had done so, like many, Francisco Villa would have been a disgrace to his race!….”

– Pancho Villa

22. “Armies are the props of tyranny. There can be no dictator without an army.”

– Pancho Villa

23. “Alcohol kills the poor and education saves them.”

– Pancho Villa

24. “I am a fighter, not a statesman.”

– Pancho Villa

25. “When the new republic is established, there will be no more army in Mexico.”

– Pancho Villa

Top Pancho Villa Quotes in Spanish

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1. “Yo, Pancho Villa, fui un hombre leal que el destino trajo al mundo para luchar por el bien de los pobres y que nunca traicionaré ni olvidaré mi deber”.

– Pancho Villa

2. “Mi espada ha pertenecido, pertenece y pertenecerá al pueblo”. 

Pancho Villa

3. “Aquí en este lugar, juro que pelearé hasta lo último por esos ideales”.

– Pancho Villa

4. “Sería magnífico, yo creo, ayudar a hacer de México un lugar feliz”.

.– Pancho Villa

5. “Yo no soy católico, ni protestante, ni ateo. Soy librepensador.”

– Pancho Villa

6. “En esta época hay muchos políticos ambiciosos, que ningún bien hacen a mi raza.”

– Pancho VIlla

7. “He logrado que los alumnos y los profesores estén contentos en Canutillo: a los chamacos, proporcionándoles todo lo necesario para que se instruyan; a los maestros, respetándolos como yo los respeto y pagándoles con puntualidad. Yo prefiero pagar primero a un maestro y después a un general”.

– Pancho Villa

8. “Ya es tiempo de que los prejuicios acaben”.

– Pancho Villa

9. “Tengo el deber de informarle que Pancho Villa se encuentra en todas partes y en ninguna a la vez”.

– Pancho Villa

10. “La gente humilde como yo lucha por la justicia y por una mejor suerte”.

– Pancho Villa

11. “No soy un hombre educado. Pero sé bien que pelear es el último recurso a que debe apelar cualquier persona”.

– Pancho Villa

12. “El país debe ser gobernado por alguien que realmente quiera a su gente y a su tierra, y que comparta la riqueza y el progreso”.

– Pancho Villa

13. “¿Qué más pueden hacer los ricos, sino aliviar a los pobres de su miseria?” 

Pancho Villa

14. “Soldado del pueblo y caudillo de mis soldados, servidor sincero y desinteresado de mi patria y de mi pueblo, leal hasta la muerte a mis jefes y a mis compañeros, el más alto sentimiento de patriotismo guía todos mis actos, patriota sincero y compañero ideal: Esos son los únicos títulos que sí reclamo, porque me pertenecen, porque he sabido conquistarlos al precio de mi sangre y de mis constantes esfuerzos”.

– Pancho Villa

15. “Es justo que todos aspiremos a ser más, pero también que todos nos hagamos valer por nuestros hechos”.

– Pancho Villa

16. “Los hombres no olvidarán que Pancho Villa fue leal a la causa de la gente”.

– Pancho Villa

17. “Comprendo que la guerra la hacemos nosotros, los hombres ignorantes”.

– Pancho Villa

18. “Cuando fui gobernador de Chihuahua, el primer mes de gobierno se construyeron cerca de 50 escuelas. Yo no fui a una, pero sabía cuál es la importancia de la educación para salir adelante”. 

– Pancho VIlla

19. “Un cura es un hombre de negocios como cualquier otro”.

– Pancho Villa

20. “La educación de los hijos de mi raza es algo que no debe pasar inadvertido para los gobernantes y para los ciudadanos. Nunca al problema educativo se le ha dado la atención necesaria…”

– Pancho Villa

21. “Yo he andado entre los millones de onzas de oro, y nunca, se lo juro, me he robado nada… Si lo hubiera hecho, como muchos, ¡Francisco Villa habría sido una vergüenza de su raza!…”

– Pancho Villa

22. “Los ejércitos son el apoyo de la tiranía. No puede haber un dictador sin ejército.”

– Pancho Villa

23. “El alcohol mata a los pobres y la educación los salva”.

– Pancho Villa

24. “Soy un luchador, no un estadista”.

– Pancho Villa

25. “Cuando se establezca la nueva República, no habrá más ejército en México”.

– Pancho Villa

Image 6: “Detroit Industry” (CC BY-NC 2.0) by Thomas Hawk

Image 6: “Detroit Industry” (CC BY-NC 2.0) by Thomas Hawk

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