The Best Podcasts to Learn Spanish: 25 REcommendations for Learners
Inside: The best podcasts for learning Spanish and the best Spanish language podcasts.
This post is all about the very BEST “learn Spanish”– or improve your Spanish– podcasts. I could create a giant database that would keep you scrolling, but my guess is that you’re not here for that.
This is a curated list of the best-of-the-best.
Here are the top Spanish podcasts out there, whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or looking to brush up on your advanced skills.
While I love my Spanish shows on Netflix, the flexibility of podcasts can’t be beat: you can improve your proficiency while commuting to work, folding laundry, or exercising. And don’t forget: you can control and slow down the speed of the audio if needed.
You can simply click to jump to the category you are looking for:
1. Intermediate Spanish Podcasts (for Intermediate Speakers)
2. Beginner Spanish Podcasts (for Beginner/Novice Levels)
3. Spanish Language Podcasts (for Advanced Speakers)
4. Paid Spanish Podcasts
5. Non-Podcast Spanish Listening Resources
New podcasts are constantly coming out, so I do my best to keep updating as needed. Of course, let me know in the comments if I’m missing one of your favorites!

Related: Podcasts in Spanish for Kids
Most people will tell you that the best way to keep up your Spanish is to use it. That’s certainly ideal, and conversation will improve your fluency in speaking.
However, there’s nothing that will affect your proficiency like getting language into your head. This means as much exposure to listening and reading as you can possibly get!
Language acquisition proceeds best when the input is not just comprehensible, but really interesting, even compelling; so interesting that you forget you are listening to or reading another language.
– Stephen Krashen
To maximize your learning if you are a novice or intermediate listener, look for podcasts that provide transcripts. I’ve noted below which ones provide transcripts for free or for a fee. You will get way more out of the listening experience if you have the chance to read it first.
Okay, let’s get started!’

Intermediate Spanish Podcasts
Spanish-language podcasts are a perfect solution for taking our intermediate skills to the next level. As a non-native teacher and parent of bilingual kids myself, speaking all day isn’t enough: I need good input too. These are all great choices!
Levels: Intermediate to Advanced
Free PDF transcripts available on the podcast website.
Oscar is the host for this Spanish podcast, a native speaker from Spain who speaks with a clear, steady voice and accent. He alternates between a conversational, story-telling style and vignettes of information about the Spanish language and culture.
This is an impressive and extensive collection of over 250 episodes for improving your listening skills. Most episodes include a transcript and lesson outline on the website. The host, Oscar, appears to have some training in Second Language Acquisition and Comprehensible Input, so I highly recommend!
See the homepage here.

“The Unlimited Spanish Podcast is your resource for practicing your Spanish speaking and listening. You will learn Spanish with the Question and Answer (TPRS) and Point of View techniques. You will also learn about the Spanish culture and the language itself. Finally, you will get valuable advice on Spanish learning.”
Levels: Intermediate to Advanced
Transcripts available via email sign-up.
Nate and Andrea are a married couple who produce this conversational-style podcast. Nate is a non-native speaker, and Andrea is a native speaker with a Latin American accent. Her accent is clear and accessible to learners. They cover a variety of interesting topics and will help Spanish learners keep up their fluency and listening skills.
See the homepage here.

“Españolistos is a Spanish language learning Podcast spoken in clear Latin American Spanish geared towards intermediate to advanced language learners. The conversations are 99% in Spanish so you can focus on your listening comprehension. The topics are fun and interesting, sometimes controversial, and always educational. We believe that discussing deep and meaningful topics will increase your vocabulary as you learn new and practical words for everyday living.”
See on Apple Podcasts.
3. 1001 Reasons to Learn Spanish – ESPAÑOL CON JUAN
Levels: Intermediate to Advanced
Free transcripts available on the podcast website.
This podcast was created with Spanish learners in mind, who want to learn Spanish naturally through normal conversation and interesting stories. Juan, the Spanish host, speaks clear and slightly slower Spanish with intermediate-based vocabulary, and includes a transcript for each episode (there are 140 so far).
See the homepage here.

“El problema es que muchos cursos de español están demasiado centrados en analizar la gramática… Un idioma NO es una asignatura que hay que estudiar de forma teórica. Un idioma es una habilidad que hay que aprender, como se aprende a tocar el piano, a nadar, a bailar, a montar en bicicleta o a jugar al fútbol: practicando regularmente, intentando mejorar cada día un poco más.“
See on Listen Notes.
4. DUOLINGO Podcast
Level: Intermediate
Free transcripts available on the podcast website.
I LOVE that DuoLingo decided to focus on stories for their new podcast. It’s a little different, in that it switches back and forth between Spanish and English. I am not sure what to think about that, but I appreciate the compelling nature of the Spanish, and that it’s not a translation back and forth. The speed and language are great for intermediate learners.
I think this podcast can be most effective by reading first, to understand the story. Then, you can listen to the parts in Spanish, and check your understanding as the English parts pop in.

“True stories for English speakers learning Spanish. From the makers of Duolingo, the most popular language-learning app, comes a new podcast that delivers fascinating real-life stories in easy-to-understand Spanish with English narration. These are not language lessons; they’re life lessons through language. Hosted by Martina Castro, co-founder of NPR’s Radio Ambulante.“
5. Anything For Selena
Levels: Intermediate – Advanced
Anything for Selena packs powerful storytelling into 9 episodes, as host Maria Garcia weaves together the story of Selena with her own story as a first-generation immigrant from Mexico. The show covers personal experiences, an exploration of identity in the United States, and, of course, Selena.
At first, I classified this as “advanced,” but it should work for most intermediate levels. Maria is a native Spanish speaker, but grew up speaking English at school and shares in the show how she feels nervous speaking in Spanish. She speaks more slowly and there is some Spanglish as well.

“Maria Garcia was 9 years old and living on the U.S.-Mexico border when Selena was murdered. Twenty five years later, Maria is on a quest to understand what it means to love, mourn and remember Selena. In this intimate journey, Maria explores what Selena’s legacy shows us about belonging in America.“
See on Apple Podcasts.
Levels: Intermediate to Advanced
Transcripts available at the $5 Patreon level.
Another excellent option from Spanish native speakers, this one features podcasts centered on themes or certain grammar structures. This is a good one for learners who speak and understand, but want to refine their skills or fine-tune weak spots.
Heads up that the episodes titles are a little hard to navigate through. However, a huge benefit is that many episodes are labeled specifically as “B2” or “C1,” so if you need those labels this is perfect. Most episodes are also available as YouTube videos, include downloadable transcripts, and some are designed as assessments.
Here’s a link to see all the podcasts at a glance (easier than navigating from the home page).

“He creado un simple sistema basado en mi experiencia como estudiante de idiomas y en mis estudios de neurolingüística. Un sistema fácil, natural y divertido para automatizar tu español. Esto es Español Automático: hablar con facilidad y de forma automática.“
See on Apple Podcasts.
Levels: Intermediate to Advanced.
Free transcripts available on the podcast website.
Going to the Listado de episodios is the easiest way to start navigating this extensive site. All of the episodes can be listened to on the site, and include a transcript. There are episodes on cultural topics, learning Spanish, examples conversations and dialogues, and more.
Although the site offers “Spanish 101 lessons”, they are lessons completely in Spanish, and would be very difficult for beginners on their own. I would look elsewhere for a beginner show! There are a ton of videos on YouTube as well from this site, which may be more comprehensible.

“Learn to speak Spanish with our free lessons, podcasts, videos, tips and tricks. Improve your Spanish listening skills. Learn how to speak Spanish fluently once and for all. Speak Spanish automatically and effortlessly. “
See on Apple Podcasts.

Beginner Spanish Podcasts
Some of these podcasts begin on an absolute “day one” level, and others are meant for novice-level learners. Unlike the intermediate Spanish podcasts, these tend to charge fees for the transcripts. I recommend listening to find one you enjoy and that’s worth paying for, for you.
You may find that spending some time with YouTube Spanish Lessons is a good base before you jump into podcasts.
1. ¡Cuéntame! Podcast
Levels: Beginner to Intermediate
No transcipts available.
This podcast includes short episodes in comprehensible Spanish, designed for learners. Host Marta Ruiz Yedinak is a native Spanish speaker and tells interesting stories and anecdotes created with students in mind. It does not begin with completely novice-level episodes, but novice speakers could understand this with some support, as Marta speaks slowly in comprehensible language.
It’s a great resources for teachers and learners who need to start simple!
See the homepage here.

“Marta Ruiz Yedinak, a Spanish National Board Certified Teacher, uses basic to intermediate level Spanish to tell stories and talk about everyday topics. Second language acquisition takes place through comprehensible input, and when the topics are interesting and compelling to the learner, it happens almost without awareness. Sit back, enjoy, and improve your Spanish listening skills!“
See on Apple Podcasts.
2. Coffee Break Spanish
Levels: Beginner to Intermediate – Advanced
Transcripts and lesson aids available for a fee.
Coffee Break Spanish was one of the first shows created for Spanish learners and produces high-quality podcasts. They begin with lessons for absolute novices and get more conversational as the levels move up, in over 200 episodes.
It’s a pretty traditional listen-repeat method, so if you like step-by-step lessons instead of being immersed, this may be the option for you.

“Learn Spanish in coffee-break lessons from the Radio Lingua Network. In each lesson we’ll focus on the language you need to know and before long you’ll be making yourself understood with native Spanish speakers.”
See on Apple Podcasts.
3. Un Día en Español
Levels: Beginner
Transcripts and show notes available for free.
This is a unique beginner Spanish podcast: each episode, we meet a Spanish-speaker and they tell us a story from their life, in slow Spanish. A narrator clarifies what’s going on in English, so there is back-and-forth between the Spanish and English. You can also select Spanish-only, once you are comfortable with and understand the story.
One thing I love about this podcast is all the extras you get from the homepage: free dynamic transcripts (they’re very cool), key vocabulary lists, and some are on YouTube with subtitles as well.
See their homepage here.

“In this language-learning podcast for Spanish beginners, each episode takes you inside a memorable day in the life of a Spanish speaker in the U.S. or Latin America. Brought to you by the language experts at Babbel, the show features stories told in basic Spanish with helpful guidance and learning tips in English along the way.“
See on Apple Podcasts.
Levels: Beginner to Advanced
Transcripts and lesson materials available for a fee.
Lisa and Rob co-host this podcast, which has dozens of episodes. Even the very first levels are conversation-based, and all episodes include transcripts. Rob is a learner and Lisa is native speaker (from Colombia, which tends to be a good accent for beginners in my opinion). Though the audio is sometimes not top-quality hey have a nice pace and a relaxed way about chatting together.
I appreciate this podcast features shows that start from the beginning (as in, from zero). You can start with Spanish from Scratch and Beginner Spanish with Spanish Obsessed if you’re a total newbie.
See their homepage here.

“[We} teach and discuss a range of Spanish phrases, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation – giving you the real Spanish as it’s used around the world today. Engaging and lively conversation around a range of topics, equipping you with the Spanish you need to navigate through a variety of situations, from ordering different types of coffee to telling your significant you love them in 6 different ways!”
Beginner Episodes on Apple Podcasts.
Intermediate Episodes on Apple Podcasts.
Levels: Beginner to Intermediate
Discover Spanish is an well-organized podcast that moves through introductory phrases in well-paced 15-minute chunks. The main structure is a presentation of new phrases with some explanation and then a chance to repeat them several times.
Learners who like concise, ordered lessons and the chance to try out speaking as they listen will enjoy this podcast. If you are one of those listeners who thinks, “Please no chit-chat, get to the point!” this is a good choice for you. There are six units, with six episodes per unit.
See the homepage here.

“Just 3 easy steps: 1. Subscribe to to take full advantage of our award winning interactive language learning system. 2. Spend only 15 minutes a day with our cast of native speaking characters who actively engage you in learning to speak Spanish. 3. Try out our free podcasts while you are on the go and would prefer to review using your iPod or mp3 player. It’s that simple!”
See on Apple Podcasts.
6. Speaking Spanish for Beginners
Levels: Beginner to Intermediate
Show notes are available to download for free.

“If you are a beginning Spanish student, you’ve come to the right place. In Speaking Spanish for Beginners, we teach you how to speak Spanish in a smooth and fun way. Our show is hosted by Spanish teachers from Latin America.“
Levels: Beginner to Advanced
Transcripts and lesson materials available for a fee.
A mix of Spanish and English, Notes in Spanish focuses functional language you hear “on the street.” This is not straight immersion-style, but rather teaches important, every day phrases at the beginning, with pauses so you can repeat the after the speakers. At the beginner level, there is more explanation than conversation. As you move up, it becomes more natural conversation.
You’ll find that Ben and Marina, the hosts, are very relaxed and assuring. Ben is a learner, and Marina is a native speaker. If you like hearing real dialogue and learning through conversations, this is a good one for you.
See the homepage here.

“Ben and Marina bring you real Spanish conversations on real-world topics, designed to help take your Spanish up to the next level. This is the genuine Spanish you will never find in a text book or classroom.”
See on Apple Podcasts.
8. A Zero to a Hero Podcast
Levels: Beginner
This beginner show from Babbel is a mini-podcast of 10 episodes that go over the basics of speaking Spanish, usually in 20 minutes or less.
See their homepage here.

“Join our host Catriona, a total beginner, in her journey towards fluency in Spanish and learn along. In Season One, Catriona explores the ins and outs of the Spanish language with our Spanish editor, Héctor Hernández.
See on Apple Podcasts.

Spanish Language Podcasts
Levels: Advanced
Produced by NPR, the stories in this podcast are compelling with top-quality production. Topics include currents events and cultural themes, with a special emphasis on Latin America, Spain, and the U.S. You can search episodes by theme and country.
I recommend this podcast for learners who can converse comfortably in Spanish, but need to keep up their skills or are teaching advanced classes. Transcripts in Spanish and English are included.
See the Radioambulante homepage here.

“Radio Ambulante es un podcast pionero en español que cuenta crónicas latinoamericanas en audio, celebrando la diversidad y complejidad de la región.”
See on Apple Podcasts.
Levels: Advanced
Produced by Radio Ambulante Studios, this is a weekly podcast that covers the latest news in Latin America and around the world. You’ll find the same high quality from Radio Ambulante, and can keep up with the most important news from each week.
See the homepage here.

“Cuando alguien comparte un hilo en redes sociales sabemos que nos va a contar una historia, o dar análisis y contexto que no hemos visto en otro lado. Este podcast es todo eso: una invitación a profundizar las historias más importantes de la semana en América Latina. Todos los viernes en la mañana Eliezer Budasoff y Silvia Viñas te ayudan a entender las noticias más allá de los titulares.”
See on Apple Podcasts.
3. How To Spanish
Levels: Intermediate to Advanced
Okay, so this podcast describes itself as “intermediate” level, but I feel like it’s fairly advanced. The conversation are interesting, funny, and well-produced, so I definitely think that motivated learners would enjoy this one.
See the homepage here.

“Listen to our weekly podcast for Spanish students! We discuss culture, language and any interesting topic we can find in Mexican Spanish accent.
Our goal is to help you with your listening skills by discussing one topic at a time in a natural pace (but not too fast).”
See on Apple Podcasts.
4. No Hay Tos Podcast
Levels: Advanced
This is a fun and interesting podcast for learners who want to hear native speakers chatting in a relaxed, normal format. You’ll hear lots of Mexican slang as the two hosts– friends since they were teens– talk about current events, everyday events, the Spanish language, or interview guests.
See the homepage here.

“No Hay Tos is a podcast designed to help English speakers practice their Spanish listening skills through real conversations at a normal speed by native speakers.”
See on Apple Podcasts.
5. Las Raras
Levels: Advanced
This podcast features inspiring voices and stories of people who challenge the status quo. You’ll hear a variety of accents and themes through the different interviews. The podcast features original music most of the later episodes include transcripts (there are 5 seasons so far).
See the homepage here.

“Somos un podcast documental con un diseño de sonido único. Contamos Historias de Libertad. Usamos paisajes sonoros y música original. Hablamos de feminismos, medioambiente, migración, familias, movimientos sociales y más.”
See on Apple Podcasts.
6. Hoy Hablamos
Levels: Advanced
This is truly an impressive collection, with over 1,000 episodes so far!
See the homepage here.

“Este es el podcast diario para aprender español. Publicamos un podcast cada día, de lunes a viernes. Hablaremos de temas de actualidad, cultura española, personajes españoles, consejos para aprender español… y mucho más.”
See on Apple Podcasts.
7. Entiende Tu mente
Levels: Intermediate to Advanced
listeners to learn more about how our brains work and to understand ourselves better, in 20-minute sessions. There are over 150 episodes so far that deal with topics like relationships, mental health, emotions, and more.
See the homepage here.

“Entiende Tu Mente es un podcast de psicología que, de una manera amena, te cuenta cómo funciona nuestra mente.”
See on Apple Podcasts.

If you are taking your Spanish learning journey very seriously and want to absolutely maximize your experience, these podcasts are worth it.
Levels: Beginner to Advanced
(Though beginner levels are technically offered, they seem to be grammar modules primarily in English– keep that in mind.)
$22.90 per month includes the full podcast, interactive transcripts, grammar, quizzes, flashcards, and other tools. There is an intermediate and advanced option.
When they call this one “News in Slow Spanish,” they actually mean it: the speakers are clear, slow, and enunciated. I like the option of speakers from Spain or Latin America, and each episode has the transcript below. More difficult parts are bolded, and hovering over those phrases shows a translation.
See the homepage here.

“News in Slow Spanish is a podcast for those who already possess a basic vocabulary and some knowledge of Spanish grammar. Your host are native Spanish speaker from Spain.
In our program we discuss the world news, grammar, and expressions, and much more in simplified Spanish at a slow pace so that you can understand almost every word and sentence.“
Sample on Apple Podcasts.
Levels: Beginner – Advanced
See the homepage here.

“ is an innovative and fun way of learning the Spanish language and culture at your own convenience and pace. Our language training system consists of free daily podcast audio lessons, video lessons, Spanish Word of the Day, a premium learning center, and a vibrant user community.“

Here I’ve collected resources that aren’t podcasts, but still are helpful to know about!
Levels: Beginner to Advanced

Totally free, this is a very organized site with clips of native speakers addressing specific topics. Each topics will have a variety of speakers with different accents, answering the same questions.
Includes transcripts in both English and Spanish.
See the homepage here.
Level: Beginner to Advanced
These video archives of native speakers are really easy to search: grammar, level, topic, or country.
See the homepage here.

Level: Advanced
Created by native speakers, for native speakers, this is a YouTube channel that explores fascinating questions like “Why is the sky blue?” and “Why do we have Deja Vú?

Did I miss any of your favorite Spanish podcasts? Let me know in the comments!
Muchas gracias por compartir estos fabulosos y valiosos recursos!!
Check out Inspired Inspired Proficiency Podcast with Ashley Uyuguari. It’s new and it’s about teaching with comprehensible input.
Website at or find it in your podcast app.
Yes, love hers!
Thanks for the list! I didn’t know Duolingo had added a podcast, and I hadn’t run across Spanish Obsessed before. I’m always looking for a Spanish language podcast or two for native speakers in the style of Radiolab, Stuff You Should Know, or Invisibilia. People often point me to Radio Ambulante, but it’s a bit more formal, newscast-y in tone than what I’m looking for. I like podcasts that make me feel like the hosts are chatting with me while we all learn something. I’d happily welcome any suggestions along that line!
Dreaming Spanish is funny and uses props and a drawing board to add comprehensibility to his videos (Beginner to Advanced), while Luisito Comunica travels around the world giving 10-15 min videos comparing hotels, supermarkets, flights and more (intermediate to Advanced).
Yes, I have him in my videos post for learners. Sooo good.
I love Light Speed Spanish on YouTube!
Check out 1001 Reasons to Learn Spanish by Juan Fernández. He is a Spanish professor in a London university. His blog
and Youtube channel (both called by the above name), his podcasts called Español con Juan, and his Facebook group (Español con Juan) are all awesome and geared toward intermediate to early advanced language learners. Everything is free unless you want to buy the books he has written.
Hola, Elisabeth. Muchísimas gracias por incluir a Español Automático Podcast en este post. 🙂
Which of the above podcasts would be best for my 3 year old? He is fluent in Spanish and loves Spanish fairytale audiobooks. I found a few on fable cottage but would love more simple engaging audiobook options for hm! Thanks!
Some of the links to the podcasts go to the wrong sites
Thanks for these suggestions. We already listen to a couple of these, but I’m always looking for more options for bilingual kids especially and was excited to find a couple new ones to try.
Where do you find the Extra Chunky Spanish Podcast? It sounds interesting, but I’ve only been able to find 1 episode.
Muchas gracias por este post ¡muy útil!