spanish christmas activities

Spanish Christmas Activities: The Ultimate Round-up of Classroom Ideas

Inside: A round-up of classroom ideas for Spanish Christmas activities. 

The week before winter holidays can be a bit crazy right? You might be at the end of your rope and out of ideas, but no worries! I’ve scoured the internet for the best Spanish Christmas activities and winter-themed ideas, and gathered them here for you. 

Obviously, the guidelines on Christmas-themed plans will vary from school to school and your unique context.

Those of you at religious schools might celebrate it; others will need to present more neutral lessons. Because most Spanish-speaking places have Catholic roots, you might present anything Christmas-themed in the context culture rather than a celebration.

With all that in mind, I’ve tried to gather a variety so there’s something for everyone. If it’s not already obvious, I’ve also tried to note whether certain resources are religious or not.

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Here’s what’s included in this post:

1. Spanish Christmas Books
2. Holiday-Themed Lesson Ideas
3. Spanish Christmas Activities for Kids
4. Spanish Christmas Activities for Older Students
5. Spanish Christmas Songs
6. Infographs about Navidad
7. Infographs about Navidad


I have a great list of Spanish Christmas books for kids if you want to browse all of my favorites!

Holiday-Themed Lesson Ideas

  • Ask or tell a funny Christmas/winter story: mishaps of Santa, a kid who discovers Santa isn’t real, or build a story around a familiar character like the Grinch.
  • Here’s a calendar from Señora Jota Jota to learn about traditions in Spanish-speaking places
  • Choose a Christmas song in Spanish and just focus on a few keywords (like Navidad). Do a really easy listening activity like Draw, Listen, Check.
Holiday Cards in Spanish

  • Introduce traditions from Spanish-speaking countries like Las posadas, Los Tres Reyes, or traditional foods.
Carta a Los Reyes Magos

Spanish Holiday Links for Kids


Spanish Christmas Songs

If you have a younger crowd, I’ve got a great list of Christmas songs in Spanish for kids. Below, you can find my  top picks for a variety of ages, both religious and non-religious. 

Feliz navidad 

From Michael Bublé and Thalia, I love, love, love this version! Non-religious except for the word “Navidad.” His accent isn’t perfect but Thalia makes up for that. 🙂

Mi burrito sabanero 

This is a great dose of culture, comprehensible language, and Christmas, that will be new for most of your students. This is definitely a religious song, with religious images.

Noche de Paz

If you’d like a familiar Christmas carol in Spanish, this villancico a good pick.

Báte, Báte Chocolate

This song is perfect in case you need a highly comprehensible winter-themed non-religious song (hot chocolate, anyone?)

Ocho Candalias

This is a great song in Spanish for including Hanukkah in your winter plans. 


There are lots of infographics, songs, and video clips you can throw in during the winter holidays. These are fun to to prompt discussion and give the students a chance to see what they can understand from an authentic resource.

Credit: Easy Spanish 

Credit: Azteca Noticias

Visit my Christmas in Spanish page on Pinterest to find lots more Navidad realia!


If you’re new to MovieTalks, read about them here. Basically, you narrate a short film in language the students understand, discuss, and possibly type up a reading.

There are some amazing short films that make for great MovieTalks– this is one of those times you can get the best of #authres and CI.

Commercial from Spain for the 2015 Christmas Lottery  (There are tons of activities to go along with this! Lotería de Justino  Activities from Elena Lopez)

Introduce Panetón + Comprehensible Language (reps of “vuelven)

Los tres reyes

Commercial for Christmas with llamas!

Sweet Family Commercial

More Navidad MOVIES

Christmas Traditions in Latin America (as mentioned in some comments below the video, “Santa” in Peru is known as “Papá Noel”):

IKEA Commercial: Kids writing letters to Los tres reyes. 

Peruvian Navidad Commercial:

Lotería de España:


Narrate these videos in simple Spanish, or using the original versions with more advanced students. 

Re-telling of the Original Christmas Story (audio and subtitles in Spanish)

Santa Story: Very clear Spanish and story (audio and subtitles in Spanish).


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Spanish Christmas Activities

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